My First Post

on Friday, July 27, 2007

My name is Nick and I like to take pictures. I am 7 years old. I wanted to have a blog so people can see my pictures. Please let me know what you think.


Jenny said...

Nick!! I want to be YOU when I grow up!! You are so gifted my friend...really you are. All of your photos are just wonderful. In fact, they are much better than some of the award winning photos I've seen. have you thought about entering some in maybe with 4-H???


Anonymous said...

Dear Nick,
I am AMAZED at your photos. You
have a wonderful gift and I hope
you continue on your talented path of photography. I will be visiting you in September and I hope you can teach me some of your tricks. I too have had a love of the hobbie. Looking forward to our trip
back to visit. Love you Aunt Brenda