This is the coolest Lizard I ever saw.
About me
Hi, my name is Nick. I started taking pictures with my Dad's Nikon camera when I was 7 years old. I just turned 9 and I still like taking pictures. I don't spend as much time taking pictures as I use to. I'm on swimteam and I play soccer. I am pretty busy. But when I do take some pictures I will post them here. Thank you for visiting my blog.
©2008.All rights Reserved Wordless Wednesday
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A good looking fellow, to be sure!
I don't know where you are, but I'm in Missouri, and I often see lizards like that in our woods.
You have some wonderful pictures on your blog!!! Happy WW!!!
WOW Nick after I post my comment I saw that you are only 7, Great JOB with you photos!!!! Keep it up one day you may be a world famous picture taker... :o)
Ewww, another animal I don't like but wonderful picture. I couldn't get close enough to even take a picture of a lizard.
What a great shot... The photographer is to be comended for sure!!!
oh he's a very pretty lizard! The little lizards we get in our yard move too fast to get a picture of. I've tried
What a purty lizard.....Happy WW.
very cool! we have little cute ones with purple tails at our house. happy ww
That's a cool lizard, for sure...complete with racing stripes!
Yeah, thats pretty cool!
Happy WW!
Ah, the blue tailed skink. Grew up in Florida and we used to catch these all the time.
Whoa, neat lizard!
Thanks for sharing! Happy WW!
You are right, that is an really cool looking lizard! One of my favorites.
Oh wow, what a colorful little guy! Happy WW! Mine is up at
He's almost pretty...almost.
Great photo. And only 7?
Just wanted to leave a comment because Nick finds the typing aspect of blogging a bit difficult. We're trying to work on it.
Thank you all for your comments. He loves reading them. Nick uses his dad's Nikon D50 to take photos which really helps him take some good shots- not to mention he often takes 70-80 pictures at a time.
We try to go somewhere each week so he can take pictures. I just let him experiment, and the more he takes the better he gets.
Thank you again. Your comments really make him happy :)
That is neat: really long, too.
I simply love your photos!!
Great photo Nick -- we have all kinds of snakes and lizards in the area of Australia where I live, but I haven't seen anything like the one you photographed.
There's one in this group of photos I took a while back -- just a small frilly neck lizard sunning himself --
I've bookmarked your site now Nick -- so keep the cool pics flowing. Goodbye from Australia. :-)
I think that url got cut off by blogger. Oh well. Maybe if I split the url across a couple of lines you can cut and paste them in as one url:
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