What Nick meant to tell you is, these pictures were taken on 9/27. We had very thick cloud cover and rain on 9/26. Hence, no luck with the harvest moon. Nick was able to borrow my sister's tripod to take the photos. Thanks for the tip, Mark.
About me
Hi, my name is Nick. I started taking pictures with my Dad's Nikon camera when I was 7 years old. I just turned 9 and I still like taking pictures. I don't spend as much time taking pictures as I use to. I'm on swimteam and I play soccer. I am pretty busy. But when I do take some pictures I will post them here. Thank you for visiting my blog.
©2008.All rights Reserved Wordless Wednesday: Autumn Moon
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Well done, Nick! Were you surprised by how long the shutter stayed open? Good thing your aunt had a tripod you could use. You managed to take a picture that can be a tough one to capture.
We had rain, too. I took pictures of the moon in the early morning, but it wasn't quite the same.
I hope you don't mind. I've added your site to my links list. I think everyone needs to see what a good photographer you are!
Hey, Nick's mom. The message from Nick is password protected, so I couldn't view it :(
Same here on the video.
Nick these are great moon shots. I would love to be able to take some like this.
Sorry about the video. I've changed the privacy settings. You should be able to view it now.
~Nick's Mom
very beautiful!! Wonderful job.
Nice job. I tried for some harvest moon shots, but didn't get many that I like. :-(
Great job Nick! A tripod was really an important thing. Sometimes the lower the moon is on the horizon the bigger it will appear as you can get a slightly better picture, a trick an old photography teacher taught me many years ago.
So when you start teaching some of us newbies about how to take pictures Nick?
Happy WW and keep up the great work!
wow! Those are fabulous pictures!
I loved the orange moon, wish I could bring my camera u p here, cause we can see the space station on really clear days too. Great WW
those are GREAT! very well done!
Wow, great shot.
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